Yup, you've read it right! Sims 3 to be exact. :)
For those who do not know yet, "The Sims" is a social simulation game that started on pc games wayback early 2000's. From the original game, it made its game enhancements sometime around 2006 or 2007, and called "The Sims 2". I was addicted that time, given that I am fond of making different characters and so with, of course, houses. The game made way for further re-modelling and sometime late 2009, it launched again the 3rd version of the game which houses more features and walkthrough. Pretty cool, I must say.
Since I was so outdated with the game, recently I saw in gaming shops here that it paved way to another expansion. I was i total bliss...! I just do hope I could find something to get it.
I really cannot wait to go home now and... see for myself. I'll find a way for sure. nyahahaha *evil laugh*
If you must know, my "personal quote" have won over my ideals these past few days. I never thought that some things happened as if it was done out of plain make-believe. I always believe that not all days are happy days, so are the lonely days. And yes, shit happens. Face it.
Can't help but to feel frustrated especially when all your motives were as clear as a teardrop. I thought I have already tried to collect everything that I need, in order for me not to feel again this heart-wrenching feeling. But then again as I have said, these past few days, I think I was wrong. It was like, a "sweet" nightmare is trying to haunt me down... Yeah. Right. True enough. So true that it's sour to swallow. And I am not liking this.
But look at the bright side. I am still here, still taking on to the possibilities that this may be really a "dream". I am even more determined to know what my jumbled reveries is trying to decipher... but one thing's for sure... I have to cease the fire. Let this feeling ebb away. Still, I only know one thing and for me it's so damn real...
I love you, my nakama.
Albert and I are currently at the Toy Convention here in Suntec. Weee soo many toys (duh, obviously lol) and comic artists that came in here, so as cosplayers which some I am not familiar with. Hehe. We'll be coming back tomorrow too so we can watch the cosplay competition.
Will post photos soon!
So that's it! Off to work for now! Actually I am on the bus while writing and I am about to alight now. Happy Saturday everyone!
Our Company Dinner held in Long Beach Seafood Resto was really nice, despite of me, chillin' my bones out seeing all the big, snappy claws of those raw, uncooked crabs inside the aquarium. But surely, I had a great time spending with them and I even found new facts to some of our colleagues that we did not really know of. Even though I have a minor fear of crabs, (as Spiders being my main phobia) I still somehow managed to maintain a reserved self and even got the nerve to eat chilli crab for the second time (the first being at the pre-nup celebration of my design partner, Rebecca) As always, the sauce was fantastic, a perfect match to the hot bun for you to dip. I firmly believe that crabs, when already cooked, are no longer a "threat" to me, instead, I will be their threat to it. Haha. Devour!!!
Yum Yum Yum!
Lucky enough, Boss' way going home will be a nearer route to my place. I went home as early as expected. Thanks for the dinner and for the ride, Boss. I always hope everyday would be your birthday. Hehehe.
When I get home, I took a bath since my hair got messed up with some chilli crab sauce (gross) and it smelled awful. While on the bath I thought of curling my hair using Michelle Phan's paper bag curls tutorial and this is how it looked like:
Really an effort! Haha! I just do hope it would turn out real nice curls tomorrow hehe. Also whilst I was folding our freshly washed clothes I tried to use the pore strips I bought last Thursday. Kinda nice also but it gives me this dizzy feeling because of its strong, aromatic smell.
Yes, it's black. And somehow it DID got my tiny whiteheads, dirt, and all the impurities that facial wash cannot do at a hundred percent. Well... Maybe I should also try Michelle's DIY pore strips tutorial... I just need some gelatin to create one. We'll see.
Gotta sleep for now! I had my dose of One Piece episode marathon for tonight and I have forgotten that I have work tomorrow lol. Glad that my menstrual cramps was gone the moment I munch on those crab legs. ...maybe that was the cure, eh?
Have a Good Weekend ahead! xoxo
Dang, Blogger+ app for iPhone 4 is so freakin' cool!!!

Haha would you believe I am starting to watch One Piece again...? Aaaand not to mention we started from episode 1! Yes, baby. Episode ONE. So I was like, "...cooool 500+ episodes to go. BRING IT ON!" with the rocking finger and all.
Setting aside the sarcasm, I was only in the mood to watch because both me and Albert felt like watching a considered "classic", or rather a "phenomenal" anime like OP. And since I only watched episode 1 back then (haha yeah I'm a total sucker), might as well continue. Hehe.
I am about to sleep now, and before I sleep, let me tell you that I am so lovin' this iPhone app I downloaded where I can post my blog entries like this in a breeze! It's called Blogger+. Try it! ;)
Testing 123!