The 10 commandments of Hiatus

Monday, December 02, 2013

Hi everyone.

Forgive me for not posting anything lately.


I won't tell you anything ridiculous just like that.

I won't ask your forgiveness because that was my decision for being lame and careless.

I just would like you to have a brief update on everything I was up to but I'd rather make it short and quick, and probably get more time to be even more precise on the next days to come.

Some current random facts while I was on hiatus for the past 2 months.

1) I went back home (Philippines) because of two - three - four things.
    - attended and coordinated my future brother-in-law's wedding.
   - visited and took care of my only brother in the hospital two months ago (he's still recovering but fine right now, Thanks for y'all prayer warriors out there!)
    - filed up documents for my upcoming exams (exams, what?!)
   - filed changes with the Church schedule, and made ocular visits of Reception venues for our Wedding next year. (yep, congratulate me!)

2) With reference to bullet no. 3 in the above mentioned, yes, I am officially, currently in the midst of battling against laziness and overly tempting breeze and environment (aka my room with clean bedsheets and pillow cases) for the success of an above passing rate for the Architecture Licensure Examinations back in the Philippines. In short, I am so called, reviewing notes and preparing for it. Detailed story as we go along.

3) With reference to the above, I have played a good number of Playstation games lately, which made me go 'stealth' mode to share the experience. lol. Reason: unmotivated studying attitude and unproductive source of income. Don't ask me why. But I had fun. And it's bad. And I'll share it with you in the next couple of days. (to keep me sane, since I am contemplating to decativate my facebook and instagram for a while. Don't ask me again.)

4) With reference to number 1, bullet 4, I am also preoccupied with a lot of errands, coordination, theme-conceptualization, gown sketching and all the thingymajigys needed. I had financial (its a given), mental, and emotional shock with diverse opinions, demands, traditions and beliefs that came out one after another. Since I live abroad and our wedding will take place back home, I have no solid team as a counterpart to work on and order requests to do this and that, find sources here and there and etc... I badly need it, but as I think about it, I think about first few things I want to settle with my little brain right here, and that's item number 2.

5) I landed on a mini-sideline. More ka-ching, more helpful to circulate around. Not bad.

6) Some very light parental issues which I can sort out as quick as a wi-fi connection.

7) Some major current work issues (did I say it's already given by default?) that I am so furious about, but can't do anything about. 

8) Some future work opportunities (to get out and bust that number 7 to the memory lane for good) that I'm considering, but gets me go back to number 2. So that may take a little while.

9) Organized flight schedules lately. This is the first (and will probably gonna be the last) time that I've traveled back and forth to the Philippines four times this year. But all has a very wonderful and significant purpose. No regrets. 

So that's it. I hope all my followers here (if there is one) will be able to understand what I'm going through right now. I know, there's more worse cases than this, but to each his own, so this is the time of the year I feel I cram big time and I need a solid support and prayer especially my examinations next month. I'll try to stick around to unleash some stress and go LDR with pessimism for the meantime.

Thanks in advance. :)

Oh yeah, I forgot one random fact right there.

10) Christmas is just around the corner. My favorite part of the year.

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