papa + tigers + chuckie

Thursday, September 21, 2006

my dad's flight schedule was so early that i can't help but to think that it just happened just a while ago. yep... just a while ago. i absolutely thought that it would be next week pa, but the office said they'll be leaving by 8pm, today... yeah..

i'll miss him again...

classes were suspended due to some instances like...

yep, these are my fellow co-thomasians (composing of cfad and arki students) parked in the lobby, unfortunately cheering the tigers' heat just in there. tigers won against the warriors, having the chance of facing the eagles this sunday! waaaaa!! for the championship!!

so that's it for now! i really got lazy posting for now. i dunno.

thanks albert for the chuckie.
and for the v-cut sweet chilli.
thank for enduring my latecomings, and for accepting my simple wishes.
love you.

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