Monday, September 04, 2006my deepest prayers to Steve Irwin... aww... may he rest in peace. *sighs*
(insert cue uste hymn here )
"God of all nations... merciful Lord of our restless being..."

a while ago was the biggest, ultimate and super hell-like experience in my Thomasian life so far... i have encountered floods eversince but not this "grabe" as this! even though i tried to avoid as such, still i have no choice but to cross the flood in españa just to get rid of the traffic. (vehicles were not moving anymore!!) i really have no choice but to go to the nearest LRT2 station, by just mere walking. my red pants were dripping wet---no not just my pants but all of me: my bag (luckily the stuff inside were still dry), my shirt, my hair... my SHOES!! i could feel it squeaking already. hahaha! of course! and, whenever jeepeneys maximize engines and drive their vehicles, it creates waves, increasing up to the lowest step of the over pass. hahaha. astig.
i went home as early as 9. i immediately took a bath to fix myself. nagmuka akong basura. hahaha. btw thanks beng, geran and marynor for the camwhoring. hahahaha! i want to get my own vanity pics, asap! ^_^ and beng, i hope tito perry had seen you early. (ate ging even texted me to ask if im still with you. hope you guys went home safe.)
even pedicabs didn't help. and they even charged at the unusual rate! kanila na pedicab nila! if only i cut my hoa class it wouldn't be as dreadful as this. well, it was quite fun and tiring anyway. i hope i still have the strength to come to class tomorrow. my shoes were wet. they wouldn't mind if i come to class wearing flipflops, would they?
leptospirosis, no way...
those pics above came from Beng's digie... thanks pare... mwah!
go uste... 4x... go go go go! U-S-T! UST tigers!! i'm positive this would be in varsitarian's next juicy ish... hahaha! taena.
darn it.